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Difference and relationship between absolute dry sludge volume and sludge treatment volume


Absolutely dry sludge volume

The newly built project can be estimated according to the concentration of sewage and the impact of the early process of sludge generation on the increase or decrease of sludge volume to obtain the amount of sensible dry sludge. For the sludge dewatering transformation project, the sludge dewatering equipment used in the earlier stage can be used as a reference for selection. Assuming that there is no change in the treatment capacity but only replacement of equipment, we can calculate the absolute dry sludge volume according to the sludge output and water content of the current equipment. In this way, the corresponding sludge dewatering press is selected.

Sludge treatment capacity

generally, it refers to the amount of sludge water mixture. The treatment capacity of sludge water mixture with different processes, concentrations and properties is different. However, the model selection here is generally based on the concentration. Common mud water mixtures can be roughly divided into three categories: raw water with low concentration, mixed sludge with medium concentration, and floating sludge with high concentration.

Difference and relationship between absolute dry sludge volume and sludge treatment volume


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